The institute has different faculties for each subject. In which students can solve their questions in short and reliable manner. Smart board technology is provided for the students for better education in the classroom. In kiswa academy online and offline both education is provided to the students. Various tests are taken daily during classroom teaching and Mega test is also taken periodically. Other tests are also taken such as revision and surprise tests.
- 100+ Candidates has been selected in the final merit list of GPSC Class 1-2
- 15+ Candidates has been selected in the final merit list of Police Inspector
- 7 Candidate has been selected in PSI 2017
- 120 candidates have been selected in the final merit list of DYSO/Dy Mamlatdar.
- 16 + Candidate has been selected in Final Merit list of State Tex Inspector
- 350+ Candidates have been selected in Bin Sachivalaya/office Assistance 2016and Senior Cleark 2017 final merit list
- 245+ Candidates have been selected in the constable final merit list. To by all addition as of now, we have trained 5000+ Students by our classroom orientation.
- Ultimately / our comprehensive exam Strategy compartmentalize into;
- Complete exam syllabus covered in examination requisite manner.
- Lecturers that are miles ahead in quality and coverage
- For offline coaching, we provided a conducive and affordable environment for students for all-weather conditions.
- Online Coaching with state of art smart board technology.
- During classroom training, we conducted a daily test and Monthly mega test, revision test schedule.
- Special Test Series according to exam calendars with prelims and mains stage.
- 120+ Candidates has been selected in the Bin Sachivalaya 2022.